Serina Berdepan Hukuman Penjara,Chef Wan Mengamuk Dengan Gavin - Bulletin Saya

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Serina Berdepan Hukuman Penjara,Chef Wan Mengamuk Dengan Gavin

Serina Berdepan Hukuman Penjara,Chef Wan Mengamuk Dengan Gavin

Hari ini bekas suami Serina telah tampil ke mahkamah dan Serina dikatakan telah melanggar perjanjian antara mereka berdua yang mana Serina boleh berdepan dengan hukuman penjara.

Kemelut mereka berdua ini berlaku sejak kebelakangan ini yang mana Serina telah mendakwa Gavin telah membulinya dalam isu hak penjagaan.

Chef Wan tampil memebri respon balas tentang isu ini dan menerusi laman IG miliknya, chef selebriti ini telah memberi kenyataan membalas tindakan Gavin itu.

Jom baca:


Si Anjing ni menyalak balik konon nak elak kan Rina dapat balik hak penjagaan anak2nya now mengunakan alasan yg lain konon Rina langgar perintah dia yg tak benar anak2 dia tidur satu katil bersama saya la pulak!

Ada ke such undang2 yg kata cucu2 di bawah umur tak boleh tertidur bersama Atoknya?
Even that it only happened once!

The last one year he tried to stopped the kids from spending time at my home after the divorce pun saya sabar tunggu Mahkamah make that decision.

Selama ni dari kecil budak2 tu menonton TV dan sebagainya at times in my bedroom as most grandparent sometime do tak ada pula issuenya.
Tiba nak fight custody anak, emaknya konon langgar perintah dia yg anak dia tak boleh tidur dgn Atoknya!

Cuai dan boleh masuk Penjara!

Undang2 bapak dia ke yg menentu kan ini semua?

Saya ini kan Dato mereka and they are bawah umur dan jika Rina tak boleh jaga anak2 nya bukan ke Atoknya ada haq untuk menjaga cucu2 itu?

Sometime she has work and come back late u mean i cant put my grandchildren to bed?
Saya ini ada sejarah pedofile ke or i did something to my grandchildren for him to demand such a law in my home?

I think anjing ni is a sick man in his head to think i would do such a thing!
I am so disgusted by his attitude towards me.

All these years if there anything the whole country see how good i am when looking after my grandchildren.

This bastard is totally ungrateful and cuba bermain kotor pulak.
Dia lupa Allah is watching everything.

Just because u need a strong case to win custody of the kids u need to drag me in?
This battle is between both of them.

Mirror himself first la with all this sifat2 negative dahulu that today have caused alot of problem to my family pun cukup lah.

Dah la kau bawa betina tu tinggal serupa berbulan lamanya sampai kena tangkap khalwat lepas tu nak cari kesilapan saya pulak.
He is a cunning fox isnt he?

Cuba la proof di court esok if i had done something tak elok to my cucu2 and i challenge him!

Gila nak fitnah dan memalu kan saya sampai begitu sekali asal kan dapat membukti kan Rina tu konon nya is not a responsible mother!
I think he is desperate now to proof he is the best father la kot!

Dah murtad, hipocrite bersongkok!


Dari kecil bila all my cucu2 dtg mereka mesti naik atas katil dan menonton TV.
Ada masa sampai terlena.

Tak tahu pulak menjadi kesalahan bila Tok tidur sekatil sekali itu la when the kids always sleep with their Philipino Nanny anyway in my mother room pun.

Just that one time depa tertidur and i didnt sent them back to the room esoknya my daughter said Gavin is upset that i share the same bed with the kids.

Yang menyampai kan is the Philipino maid yg dia fire kan tu after she pecah lubang kisah Khalwat tu semua.

Hee hee dah mcm soap opera pulak jadi ceritanya sebab nak rebut kan penjagaan anak2 itu now the grandfather must look bad as well as the mother!
Can u believed this?

Selama ini dari kecil dua tapak tangan cucu2 saya itu saya jaga dgn penuh kasih sayang and lavish them with mcm2 lah suddenly Over night CW turn to be the MR Bad guy!
Ohhh boy i challenge him to proof that nanti in court aja...
See if they can proof that?

U want yr kids custody and the mother is looking after the kids pun and bukannya saya or they are living with me either!
So why drag me to proof that the mother is not a responsible mother by allowing the kids to sleep with the grandfather?
He had an affair with his current wife even before divorcing my daughter and lived with this women for months under the same roof so he think he has better morals then me to try to tell me how to run my life?

How sad and pathetic his behaviour is to take revenge and tarnish my image pulak.
I think he is desperate now afterall he is caught with his pants down!
Tak pe tak perlu takut dgn dia.

Our Top lawyer is working on this and kita serah kan pada Allah dan undang2.
Kita orang baik2 dan sangat bersabar.
Bertahun kita telan dan kasi muka.
Diakhirnya anjing ini mengigit kita balik.
Such ungrateful human being and eeee yak, evil and vicious person too!


I think Tristan daddy is jealous that Atok is also in bed hisap puting lah..
May be he was wishing to also hisap putting with Atok too!

I wonder if this puting and my tilam is also going to court to proof that haiya...cucu and atok in bed!

Kasihan dah desperado nak attack Atok pulak personally.
What a sick man!

I married off their parent well, always try to be the best grandfather for all my grandkids that anyone would wish for since they were born.
To come to this hati saya sangat terluka mau pun kecewa.
Memang Sial jantan ni.

Madu yg saya beri selama ini tuba yg di balaskan.

Now he think he can embarrassed me in public by taking revenge!
Evil guy as though the entire country and the whole world by now did not know who Chef Wan is?

Are u kidding me that i need him to do that to get to his kids?
Punya la kotor permainan si bangsat ini! 

Itulah luahan rasa dari Chef Wan tentang tindakan dari bekas menantunya itu.

Sumber: IG Chef Wan
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AboutKakak Nany

seorang blogger sepenuh masa yang memaparkan isu semasa

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